Monday, February 04, 2008

2007: The Year in Music

Here is another post that is over a month late.

I didn't listen to too many full albums, so I'll just give out a few awards:

Best Lyrics: Suzanne Vega, New York is a Woman (this song has seriously fantastic lyrics!)

Best (re)discovered cover: Tom Jones, Situation (thanks, Lemming!)

Best discovered band: The Lovemakers (thanks again, Lemming!)

Song that always gets stuck in my head: The Torreador Song (from "Carmen")

Most belated song acquisitions: stuff by Joy Division that isn't "Love Will Tear Us Apart" or "She's Lost Control"

Best concert: Loreena McKennitt (of course)

Best movie soundtrack: Control

Most appropriate (and 'best' in some sense, but not the sense of my liking this collection of songs better than others) movie soundtrack in a movie that isn't about musicians: Juno

I think I had other things to mention and if I remember them at some point, I'll put them here. But I didn't get enough sleep last night, so for now (at least), I'll leave things as they are.

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