George Carlin died yesterday, apparently of heart failure. Here is the New York Times obituary.
George Carlin was one of my favorite comedians (if not my favorite), and I thankfully had the chance to once see him perform live. Many consider him quite offensive, but I love his stuff. I highly recommend googling to find his 'Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television' skit. It's awesome.
Here is an excellent quote from George Carlin that appears in the article: "Scratch any cynic and you’ll find a disappointed idealist."
4 days ago
The BoingBoing article has at least one version of the skit:
Sorry for the late response on this one. There are actually quite a few variants---I think I saw this particular one on YouTube once. It's not the original one, which you can certainly find online as an mp3 but I don't know if that's available as a video, etc.
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