Thursday, January 30, 2025

“An “Opinion Reproduction Number” for Infodemics in a Bounded-Confidence Content-Spreading Process on Networks”

One of our papers was published in final form today. Here are some details.

Title: An “Opinion Reproduction Number” for Infodemics in a Bounded-Confidence Content-Spreading Process on Networks

Authors: Heather Z. Brooks and Mason A. Porter

Abstract: We study the spreading dynamics of content on networks. To do this, we use a model in which content spreads through a bounded-confidence mechanism. In a bounded-confidence model (BCM) of opinion dynamics, the agents of a network have continuous-valued opinions, which they adjust when they interact with agents whose opinions are sufficiently close to theirs. Our content-spreading model, which one can also interpret as an independent-cascade model, introduces a twist into BCMs by using bounded confidence for the content spread itself. We define an analog of the basic reproduction number from disease dynamics that we call an opinion reproduction number. A critical value of the opinion reproduction number indicates whether or not there is an “infodemic” (i.e., a large content-spreading cascade) of content that reflects a particular opinion. By determining this critical value, one can determine whether or not an opinion dies off or propagates widely as a cascade in a population of agents. Using configuration-model networks, we quantify the size and shape of content dissemination by calculating a variety of summary statistics, and we illustrate how network structure and spreading-model parameters affect these statistics. We find that content spreads most widely when agents have a large expected mean degree or a large receptiveness to content. When the spreading process slightly exceeds the infodemic threshold, there can be longer dissemination trees than for larger expected mean degrees or receptiveness (which both promote content sharing and hence help push content spread past the infodemic threshold), even though the total number of content shares is smaller.

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