The following paper just got posted on the arxiv:
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 16:11:59 GMT (214kb)
Title: Swimming with a friend at low Reynolds number
Authors: C. M. Pooley, G. P. Alexander, and J. M. Yeomans
Categories: cond-mat.soft cond-mat.other
Comments: 6 pages, 4 figures
We investigate the hydrodynamic interactions between microorganisms swimming
at low Reynolds number. By considering simple model swimmers, and combining
analytic and numerical approaches, we investigate the time-averaged flow field
around a swimmer. At short distances the swimmer behaves like a pump. At large
distances the velocity field depends on whether the swimming stroke is
invariant under a combined time-reversal and parity transformation. We then
consider two swimmers and find that the interaction between them consists of
two parts; a dead term, independent of the motion of the second swimmer, which
takes the expected dipolar form and a live term resulting from the simultaneous
swimming action of both swimmers which does not. We argue that, in general, the
latter dominates. The swimmer--swimmer interaction is a complicated function of
their relative displacement, orientation and phase, leading to motion that can
be attractive, repulsive or oscillatory.
\\ ( , 214kb)
Basically, I'm posting this because I really like the title. One thought it made me have was to wonder what boinking is like at low Reynolds number. (I doubt this arXiv blog entry will lead to an ego boost like the last one did.) Life at low Reynolds numbers, indeed! (This last sentence is alluding to a very famous article by Purcell. I haven't read it, but I really should. In fact, I've heard it's very readable, so I'll also recommend this to the rest of you.)