I have had an awful sore throat all day and I'm feeling very fatigued right now. I will try to fight it, but people have been getting sick around here the last couple of weeks and I think I may have finally succumbed. (I started feeling a little bit bad physically a few weeks ago, but it was thankfully a false alarm, as I felt fine the next morning.) Sigh...
I played ping pong today because I needed to skip last week to go to the Alison Moyet concert (about which I'll blog at some point) and I didn't want to skip two weeks in a row. I actually played pretty well despite how crappy I felt, and I did well against challenging competitors. A couple of the people I played today are particularly good practice opponents for me because their style of play forces me not to get overaggressive (by trying to kill a shot instead of just applying pressure to get a better shot the next time). Hence, playing them helps me develop better playing habits in general. They also often hit the ball to my backhand, and I have noticed that I have been getting a bit more consistent with my backhand as a result of practicing against them. (Well, my opponents tend to hit to my backhand so that they don't have to face the wrath of my forehand loop, but today was doing a couple of reasonable backhand loops, which is something I need to practice. My backhand needs to be stronger simply so that I can get more forehand shots and kill people with those.)
I also almost beat Zelda: Twilight Princess last night. Unfortunately, I had some trouble with the final battle against Ganon/Ganondorf and I ultimately died. My eyes and hands were tired, so I didn't try a second time yesterday. I'll try again in a week or so---I think I will take a break from Zelda and play some Super Paper Mario in the intervening time---but I am finally almost done with the game. It's about time too, as a couple of my students now keep asking me every week where I am in the game (and have now started asking me if I've finished). I feel like I can't let them down and I don't want to disappoint them by letting this game linger even longer than I already have. (I'm also planning to do the game's "Cave of Ordeals" before I start focusing on other games, though I may need to wait until spring break to do that because I suspect it might take several hours of real time to go through the whole thing. I probably will not bother getting all the special fighting moves, though one of my students tells me that those will really come in handy for the Cave of Ordeals. If I fail without those, I might go ahead and get those. I'm not going to bother collecting all the poes and golden bugs because that just isn't a good use of my time. I have OCD in numerous aspects of my life, but for the most part it doesn't extend to video games. I just don't get much enjoyment out of collecting everything in a game for its own sake.)
4 days ago
Yeah, the Poe quest is supremely skippable. The golden bugs quest is potentially useful in that Magic Armor + best wallet + max rupees is helpful in the Cave of Ordeals. The special fighting moves aren't as helpful as one might expect there, since the hardest opponents can counter them.
I forget how long the Cave of Ordeals took me but it was a marathon, and my hands were definitely tired by the end.
I have the magic armor and I actually forgot to use it in my battle with Ganon. (Stupid me...) I had just over 300 rupees, so I wonder if that would have helped. My wallet only holds 600 rupees. I think now that I know a bit more what I'm doing with Ganon I should be fine next time. The horseback part annoyed me because he would camp by me and nail me before I could get on the horse. I was finding the controls a bit sensitive in terms of where I needed to stand next to the horse to climb on it, and I would get on it and be nailed again before I could even move on a number of occasions. If I can do a better job with that (and a few other things), I think I can handle Ganon with too much trouble.
The cave of ordeals definitely seems like I'll need to do on a day where I don't need to do much work. When I play a bit during a night, I normally start at 10pm or even later (so I don't play too long), so that's not going to happen with the Cave of Ordeals. However, I really want to do that part because it seems like a really interesting optional part. I enjoyed the comparable part of the earlier Paper Mario game.
I have 8 of the 24 bugs. (I've only gotten them along the way when I've seen them. I never bothered looking for them.) I do have over 20 poes, so I got the first bit, but I'm not about to try and get up to 60 of them.
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