Sunday, February 08, 2009

How Precioussssssss....

Thomas Woolley has pointed me to a link called The Kh(aX)n Machine that has generalized the Kh(aX)n construction for any letter one might want repeated in a google search.

For example, here are the results for Preciou(sX).

Here is my previous post.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! Your link for precious* is wrong btw (it tries to go to the page with an extra "url: " at the start).

It's interesting that precious* has a much steeper power-law than kha*n or ar*. I wonder why ar* has that huge spike at around n=8?

Mason said...

Thanks for letting me know about the url. I fixed it, but now I get a dead link for what I believe is the correct url. I guess that will just have to be repeated.

Are you sure the decay is actually power law? I'm a little bit sensitive about that. (Ah, it looks like my old link refers to a study that's quite directly related to the 'ar*' test.)

Anonymous said...

I know! :-D And you just know that if anyone actually studies this, they'll lop off n=1 and maybe 2 and fit a power law to the rest.

Oooh, your old post reminds me, gr* would be another search to try!

Mason said...

There appears to be a pretty big spike for Gr* just below 90. Nice!