Here is the abstract of a new arXiv paper, which follows up a response to a paper posted by the author of this short note:
Paper: quant-ph/0703244
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2007 19:15:54 GMT (2kb)
Title: Disproof of Bell's Theorem: Reply to Critics
Authors: Joy Christian (Perimeter and Oxford)
Categories: quant-ph
Comments: 1 page; RevTeX4
This is my response to a criticism of my recent argument to disprove the
remarkable impossibility proof of John S. Bell, which appears to undermine any
conceivable possibility of a local realistic completion of quantum mechanics.
Since I expect more resistance to my paper in the future, I plan to
periodically update this preprint with my responses, instead of creating a new
preprint each time.
\\ ( , 2kb)
And I was looking forward to a long chain of papers with titles that begin "Response to 'Reponse to ' ... "
By the way, in the title of this entry I am referencing a specific video game. (I know the reference is so vague that it could be a ton of things, but I'll just mention that I do have something very specific in mind and see if any of you guess which game it is. I'll give hints later, but I think it's conceivable that a couple of you might get this without any hints.)
3 days ago
That's a reasonable guess, but you need to go farther back in time.
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