As was noted in another post, we (Lemming, Zifnab, [Mike]^2, Lanth, and I) have been powering through Buffy the Vampire Slayer recently. We finished the first season a while ago and are currently about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way through season two.
I've been enjoying the series quite a bit predominantly because it has one of my favorite things in life: lots of witty one-liners.
Thus far, my two favorites are (possibly in order):
Xander: "Angel was in your bedroom?"
Willow: "Ours is a forbidden love."
Principal Snyder: "It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten."
So, I could write more, but I figure that can happen in the comments. Naturally, I always gravitate towards the nerdiest character in just about every show/movie, so I'm in the Willow camp (t-shirt style + occasional deadpan comments = win).
5 days ago
You want nerdy characters? Just wait until season 6 (though the individuals appear quite a bit earlier). Angel seasons 2-5 has an even better nerdy character, btw.
Regarding Willow, I believe she's my second favorite character overall, after Anya, who IIRC shows up in season 3. Further remarks might constitute spoilers, if you haven't seen any of the subsequent seasons before.
Back in the day, I used to maintain a Buffy quote notepad, but I'm sure that's long since vanished in my three moves since then.
The only episodes I've seen are the ones we're powering through. I've already avoided looking up a bunch of stuff because I don't want spoilers.
I don't think it's too hard to find a similarly comprehensive list of notes still online.
This site has a decent collection of Buffy quotes, sorted by episode so you can avoid spoilers.
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