Saturday, March 04, 2006

Harkening Back to my Undergrad Days

The last couple days have included some harkening back to my days as an undergrad. For one thing, a fellow alum from the class of 98 (Jing) was staying with me for a couple days, although I see fellow alums on campus routinely, so that by itself isn't really harkening back.

Here is stuff that actually does harken back to my undergraduacy:

1. Waking up Jing with The Ride on Thursday morning. It was 7:50 (the requested time) rather than 7 and it wasn't quite finals' week, but once she requested that I give her a wake-up call, I knew which song it has to be. No showering attempts were made. (I mercifully turned off The Ride after it was recognized, although I actually should have left it on.)

2. I counted Justin today. He is, after all, one Flem. (He wore is Fleming shirt to the CPA social hour.) Historically, when I've counted up to one Flem, it's been Julius because I knew he wouldn't do anything. In a striking similarity to gully dwarves, I've never actually tried to get beyond one. (A particular card for 1000 blank white cards needs to be brought back into play, however...)

3. I was working tonight until 1:30 am. Granted, I had some breaks, but I should be beyond this now. This is the reason you're getting this blog entry rather than one on the Death Gate Cycle, which I will again punt. (I might have skipped entirely, but I've been a little bad about blogging lately. Thankfully, there's been a popular post to keep people busy.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

while the stay was pleasant and happy, the RIDE was a thing to wake up to. i vagouely remember pointing in the general direction of your bathroom and reuqested self administered shower on your part. However this request was NOT obliged, unlike the case with the INSANE wakeup call. -jing