Following up on (or, more precisely, couple with) Gazebo's Easter blog entry (and Lemming's intended roadmap for the day), I am hereby catching up on something topical about which I meant to write a while back.
Namely, Justin e-mailed me a couple weeks ago to let me know about a new d20 book called Book of Erotic Fantasy, which includes 12 new prestige classes, "variant rules," and other things. He said there was a copy at Border's and I eventually got around to taking a look at their selection a couple weeks later. I was curious to see if there was anything interesting in there, but in the intervening time, somebody apparently decided to buy it (perhaps in preparation for Easter?). Here is another site with information about the book. Let the games begin!
By the way, did I mention that I sometimes hate children? There are some annoying ones that live in the apartment complex just south of mine. I was walking back home this afternoon to watch the Dodger game, and I was listening to my iPod and proceeding methodically partly because I tend to walk pretty fast just going from here to there (or there to here, as the case may be) and partly because I left the office later than I wanted and didn't want to miss any of the game (I only missed one pitch). These kids seem to find it amusing to try to get my attention when I am listening to my iPod. (If somebody is walking fast -- and presumably in a rush -- and listening to headphones, it's not exactly an invitation that they want to talk. Hints clearly need to be taken here...) Through my headphones, I can tell that they're saying 'Happy Easter.' That's nice, but this is not my holiday and I don't see why I should stop listening to music I want to hear to talk to 8-10 year olds to whom I don't want to talk (especially when I'm in a rush), so I just kept walking past. They then decided that they should start yelling that at me as I walk past them towards my apartment. (That's the only they did that was actually obnoxious, but it is something I find very annoying.) Don't their parents give them enough attention? I have the fucking right to ignore the neighborhood kids if I want!
2 days ago
Can you say, "LARP"?
When's the next Con?
I've been tormenting my other gaming group with this material (no, I didn't buy the book...). Suggesting that the party wizard consider the Tantric feat, or the rogue/fighter/shadowdancer (already at 22 Dex total) consider Limber, that kind of thing. I'm very amused at the thought of a party having daily power-nookie sessions to boost various stats! I wish I'd thought to look at the cleric domains - who could resist playing a cleric with Perversion and Voyeur domains, for example? And the item creation section probably has something relevant for making Frenchy's Jewel-Encrusted Rod of Pleasure +5 (a famous Angband item inscription Slam Jam did one time, for the N-1 of you who weren't around for that...). Which actually exists, as boingboing readers may recall. :-)
Mason, make sure you spend a feat on Infertile before you go LARPing at Cons - wouldn't want to actually have annoying children, after all!
Justin makes an excellent point, but perhaps I'll find my kids to be less annoying than others' kids. That does seem to be a common enough phenomenon.
At least that rod is encrusted by jewels rather than other things...
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