Wednesday, July 17, 2024

What Happens in Frankfurt Stays in Frankfurt

I am going to be in Frankfurt for a few days for a workshop on metric networks that I coorganized.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

What Happens in Oxford Stays in Oxford

I am off to Oxford to spend most of the next few weeks. I'll also have a short embedded trip to Frankfurt and will be heading to Glasgow after my time in Oxford.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

RIP Barry Wellman (1942–2024)

I'm very sad to hear about sociologist Barry Wellman's death.

He was one of the people who welcomed me warmly to the Sunbelt community (though he did make a point to inform me, with much spittle flying in the process, of course, that the Dodgers shouldn't have left Brooklyn).

I figured (but never officially knew) that Barry had been sick for a while, given his sudden lack of activity starting a couple of years ago on Facebook and SOCnet after always making a point of stressing that the point of such social gathering spaces (including social media) was to be very active, so he always purposely did that.

(h/t through the SOCnet mailing list)