You know, I could increase my salary by becoming a witch.
(Tip of the hat to Rachael Hampden-Turner, who sent this link to Oxford's RPG mailing list.)
4 days ago
My name is Mason Porter. I am a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at UCLA. Previously I was Professor of Nonlinear and Complex Systems in the Mathematical Institute at University of Oxford. I was also a Tutorial Fellow of Somerville College.
Pretty good quiz, although I agree with you (and the commentary, obviously designed to sell the umpiring book) that several of those situations require more information or some interpretation.
I did learn a couple of interesting tidbits though, such as in the supplementary info on the first-baseman-trap-double-play question. (I got the question right for the situation described, but if the situation had been the second one mentioned I would have gotten it wrong). Also the fair-or-foul, HR-or-GR2B was informative.
The ground rule double one I messed up, though the site really ought to have used the correct name of "automatic double" because ground rules are ballpark-specific.
Touche, good observation!
Ground rules are park-specific AND may yield a "ground rule triple" or other strange occurance (i.e., awarding the runner the base that is being attempted at the time the ball leaves the grounds). Also, there are strange variations of "catch-and-carry" rules depending on the park.
And how did I manage to post these comments on your witch entry, anyway? Sheesh.
I figured I would just answer your comments where you posted them, but the formatting I use has a less of a distinction between posts from the same day than those from different days.
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