I'll look at this paper in more detail tomorrow after I get some sleep, but this arXiv paper is a doozy. Here are the details.
Title: Law of Urination: all mammals empty their bladders over the same duration
Authors: Patricia J. Yang, Jonathan C. Pham, Jerome Choo, David L. Hu
Abstract: The urinary system evolved to eject fluids from the body quickly and efficiently. Despite a long history of successful urology treatments in humans and animals, the physics of urination has received comparatively little attention. In this combined experimental and theoretical investigation, we elucidate the hydrodynamics of urination across five orders of magnitude in animal mass, from mice to elephants. Using high-speed fluid dynamics videos and flow-rate measurement at Zoo Atlanta, we discover the "Law of Urination", which states animals empty their bladders over nearly constant duration of average 21 seconds (standard deviation 13 seconds), despite a difference in bladder volume from 100 mL to 100 L. This feat is made possible by the increasing urethra length of large animals which amplifies gravitational force and flow rate. We also demonstrate the challenges faced by the urinary system for rodents and other small mammals for which urine flow is limited to single drops. Our findings reveal the urethra evolved as a flow-enhancing device, enabling the urinary system to be scaled up without compromising its function. This study may help in the diagnosis of urinary problems in animals and in inspiring the design of scalable hydrodynamic systems based on those in nature.
Let me especially point out the following sentence (which is comedy gold): "Despite a long history of successful urology treatments in humans and animals, the physics of urination has received comparatively little attention."
(Tip of the cap to I Fucking Love Science, who posted a popular article about this arXiv paper on Facebook.)
Update: Courtesy of Marc Abrahams, here is what Annals of Improbable Research's blog had to say about this (and about other topics in bodily fluid dynamics).
1 day ago
This was on "Seriously, Science?" (the successor to NCBI ROFL) a few weeks ago,
I'm surprised that blog is not on your RSS feed. :-)
Indeed, I am behind the times on this story.
i'm concerned a bit about the underlying maths - i thought that poiseuille's law linearly related increasing length of a 'pipe' (here, urethra) to increasing resistance to flow. also, how could this possibly enhance GRAVITY?
When are you going to start generalizing the paper and fixing the previous work's inadequacies? :)
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