Well, the baseball postseason is upon us and I am currently listening to the end of the Rockies-Phillies game.
I had been busy for several hours. First, I met the new math undergrads --- in particular, the ones I will be mentoring. They seem very nice, and they also seemed very happy with the fact that my style is much more informal than that of the stereotypical Oxford tutor. I really like being able to live in residence and interact with the students so closely. It's very much like an RAship, and this whole mechanism is making it much easier for me to meet other people in Somerville, including people in other subject areas who I basically wouldn't meet at all in other circumstances. Then I had dinner, and sat near one of my mentees, a postdoc, and a stray first-year grad student in medicine who had spilled over from the medicine table. [The tables were organized by subject area tonight.] The medical student was really cool, though it will likely be hard to convince someone with her schedule to play D & D even though she played back in the day. (We also talked about music and the Caltech vs. MIT prank rivalry for a fair bit.)
After dinner was a gathering of the Senior Common Room (in the Senior Common Room... recall that it refers to both the room and the group), and I had the chance to meet up with the Tutor assigned as my mentor. He was selected because he too emigrated from the United States, and it appears that he has extra adaptors and knows where to get more! Also, because he's from Boston, I asked him about the Red Sox and he is indeed a huge baseball fan, so then we proceeded to talk a lot of baseball. He has the MLB video internet package (I have the audio one this year and will get the video one next year). It looks when he shows up, there's going to be lots of baseball discussion flying back and forth. So, anyway, I'm basically extremely pleased with this whole setup. I'm not sure if I can make the RPG thing tomorrow because of a small gathering of Tutors to try to meet some more of them (that needs to get priority), but things are going very well and I hopefully should be able to hang out with some people around here. Oh, and basically everybody I met (including the undergrads!) thought I was a new freshman before they knew better. It was awesome! We were at the pre-dinner drinks (it's Oxford policy to get the freshman drunk before classes start), and several of the frosh asked me if I was a new freshman. Graduate students, postdocs, and (least surprisingly) faculty have also confused me for a new frsoh. I've been enjoying this...
In terms of baseball, the Rockies beat out the Padres for the NL West Wild Card in a game that was an instant classic. I wish I had a chance to see it or listen to it! The Rockies-Phillies series is the one that I find the most interesting. I could go for either of them winning, but I think I'd like to see the underdog Rockies get to the World Series. (The Rockies just won game 1.) The other series pits the Cubs against the Diamondbacks. The Diamondbacks are boring, so I'd much rather have the Cubbies win. In the AL, the Yankees are playing the Indians, and I want the Yankes to get their asses kicked! (By the way, I was remarking to that Tutor that he must really have taken offense when the Brits called him a Yankee. It's bad enough to call a Dodger fan that name, but to do it to a Red Sox fan is just horrible!) I'd prefer the Angels to beat the Red Sox, but I could handle any AL team except the Yankees in the World Series. My preference would be for Rockies vs. Angels and for the Angels to win, but there are a lot of other combinations that would also be very cool.
It's a bit tougher to say who I think will win. I'll guess that the Yankees will beat Cleveland in 4 and that Anaheim (or the LAA of A, if you prefer) will beat Boston in 5 games. I think the Rockies will be the Phillies in 4 games (I would have said 5 before today's victory) and that the Cubs will beat the Diamondbacks in 5 games. In the ALCS, I think the Yankees will beat the Angels in 5 games and that the Cubs will beat the Diamondbacks in 6 games. That would leave a Yankees-Cubs World Series, and I'm going to be crass and predict that the Yankees will win in 6 games. That's not what I want to happen, but they seem to be the strongest team by far based on the last few months.
I'll shortly write an entry on my predictions for baseball award winners (maybe in a few days?) and a review of Avenue Q.
5 days ago
Wow, way to go 0-4 on your LDS predictions! :D
Not that you were off-base in your calls, but I was pretty sure the Rockies-Phillies series was going to be more competitive. I was very happy to see the Tribe crush the Yank, obviously.
If the NLCS goes 6 or 7, I may be able to watch a game in person, since I'll be in Phoenix next week playing in the Men's Adult League World Series (MSBL/MABL WS). Scores and maybe stats will be here. I'm playing in the 18+ Federal division for the Albuquerque Mets. The manager has me penciled in as leadoff hitter, playing 2b.
Well, you are right that I failed miserably with my predictions. Maybe it was the jet lag? Or perhaps just the lack of thought? (Serves me right...)
However, it's not entirely fair to give me an 0-4 record because I was correct that the Rockies would beat the Phillies. And you're completely correct that I was anticipating that that series would be a very competitive one.
Given that I failed in my LDS predictions, how about some fearless LCS predictions:
Indians over Red Sox in 6 games (I was briefly tempted to predict 5), with Travis Hafner winning the MVP.
Rockies over Diamondbacks in 5 games, with Troy Tulowitzki taking home MVP honors.
Fair enough, I misread your predictions.
I think your LCS predictions are reasonable, except that I think ALCS could go 7; there's some ridiculous pitching on those two teams. I have a feeling Sabathia or Beckett are the best shots for the MVP (which would be in line with the prediction -- CLE in 7, Sabathia MVP, but if they don't, BOS in 7 with Beckett MVP).
In NLCS I agree, Rocks in 5 (maybe 6, not 7) but I'm calling for Holliday as MVP (yeah it's obvious but he's a stud). Tulo is great but I think Holliday will steal the show. That or Willy Taveras will be ridiculous after being reactivated from the DL for this series, hit .450 and steal a bunch of bases.
You should enable the RSS feed on your blog so I can see your posts on my portals. I always forget to check your page and then I have to read for an hour to catch up.
I considered predicting Holliday as NLCS MVP, but I ended up deciding it would be too crass to pick the "obvious" choice. I certainly agree that Holliday stealing the show is an extremely likely possibility. I'm not a fan of Wily Tavares --- he sucks about as much as Juan Pierre but he costs a lot less (granted, that makes all the difference in the world). I guess he's probably better defensively than Pierre?
I could definitely also see either Sabathia or Beckett putting a show. I picked Hafner because in September he actually started hitting the way he normally does after a very rough (for him) season.
I'll see about the RSS feed. I actually thought I already had that enabled.
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