The following paper just got posted to the arxiv preprint server:
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 19:43:48 GMT (232kb)
Title: Spookytechnology and Society
Authors: Charles Tahan
Categories: physics.pop-ph cond-mat.mtrl-sci quant-ph
Comments: Comments welcome. Visit for
more and related information
New technologies based on the exploitation of so-called "second order"
quantum phenomena - such as quantum entanglement - deserve a public-friendly,
rational, and sexy name. Spookytechnology is that unifying term. From
historical and motivational perspectives, this name has greater value than the
many variations of quantum this and quantum that presently used. As many
already believe, the pursuit of spookytechnology has profound implications for
the development of the physical and information sciences and ultimately for
society at large. Spookytechnology will find its place in the increasingly
dense line of major technological revolutions of our time: quantum, info, bio,
nano, spooky.
\\ ( , 232kb)
I'm not sure this really needs any commentary --- that's how "awesome" this is. However, I'm afraid I'm going to have to rethink how I phrase my C.V. and grant proposals. Among other things, I guess this implies that the topic of my thesis was not 'quantum chaos' but was instead 'spooky chaos'.
How did this paper get past the posting filters?
5 days ago
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