The following article just got posted on the arXiv:
arXiv:0712.3008 (*cross-listing*)
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 17:45:03 GMT (606kb)
Title: Classical and Quantum Features of the Mixmaster Singularity
Authors: Giovanni Montani, Marco Valerio Battisti, Riccardo Benini, Giovanni
Categories: gr-qc astro-ph hep-th quant-ph
Comments: 166 pages, 16 figures, ~500 references. Invited Review paper to
appear on Int. J. Mod. Phys. A. Comments are welcome to the e-mail address
This review article is devoted to analyze the main properties characterizing
the cosmological singularity associated to the homogeneous and inhomogeneous
Mixmaster model. After the introduction of the main tools required to treat the
cosmological issue, we review in details the main results got along the last
forty years on the Mixmaster topic. We firstly assess the classical picture of
the homogeneous chaotic cosmologies and, after a presentation of the canonical
method for the quantization, we develop the quantum Mixmaster behavior.
Finally, we extend both the classical and quantum features to the fully
inhomogeneous case. Our survey analyzes the fundamental framework of the
Mixmaster picture and completes it by accounting for recent and peculiar
outstanding results.
\\ ( , 606kb)
My immediate thought on seeing this: Don't you think "Mixmaster Singularity" would be a great name for a rapper?
In other news, Goose Gossage got elected to the Hall of Fame this year. It's about bloody time. Bert Blyleven's dramatically larger vote total provides hope that the voters will finally wise up and elect him as well.
I'll post more stuff from the conference when I get a chance. This will include some comments about the boa constrictor at today's party. (Apparently, it's actually called a boa constrictor constrictor.) Anyway, this stuff is coming reasonably soon. I'll also finish up my year-end reviews and so on.
3 days ago
1 comment:
Mixmaster Singularity, spin that accretion disk!
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