Now that we've all been tenderized a bit (con damage will do that to a bird...), it's time to schedule next weekend's session.
My timing is a bit restrictive this time (so if the only way for things to work is to play while I'm gone and NPC Clutu, then there's no problem on my end), as I am out of town from Wednesday morning until Saturday evening.
Sunday 12/4 is the only day that's uniformly good for me. I can, however, play a little bit Saturday night if absolutely necessary. (I'll probably feel like crap---I don't do well on flights---but I can eventually get myself to the game if absolutely necessary. We're supposed to touch down at 5:30, so incorporating luggage and Super Shuttle, I figure that 8pm or so is a reasonable estimate for me to actually arrive at the game.)
If we did a quickie during the week, I am available tonight and tomorrow (after about 8pm for tomorrow because I have something at the Ath ending at 7pm and will want to go home and change before any game we play).
Also, there is a matter of the play about pirates (at the Pasadena Playhouse) on Thursday 12/8 at 8pm. Tim and I are going, and I need to figure out how many other tickets to buy, so please let me know if you want to come that day and I'll go ahead and buy the appropriate number of tickets.
1 day ago
Saturday evening or Sunday are both fine. I think any weeknight works also.
I have glee club rehearsal until 9pm Mon and Wed this week, and salsa til at least 10 Tuesday. Saturday afternoon is the glee club concert, but that evening and all of Sunday are free.
As far as I know now, I am only busy Friday this week. That potentially leaves Sunday free, but I'll have to check more with people to be sure. Leaving during the week is disruptive and generally means many more travel.:/ I will again try to get the poor little car taken care of this week.
I am definitely free Saturday AND Sunday AND Tuesday night. I will be able to be free either Thursday or Friday, and I can probably choose which of those days given about 24-hours notice.
Ok, here are two proposed solutions:
1) Play thursday night, ~2 hrs. Final rooms of the tower, Klutu as NPC since Mason cannot make it. Next game is then on sunday, giving you time to work out what needs answered next and where you want to go to deal with that.
2) Play a long game sunday, start about noon, 2 hr session then followed by an hour or two break (sit-down lunch?), followed by a full session. Less optimal (for me and perhaps the group), but Mason will be there for the initial fight as well.
I suppose there's a third option, in that we could just do the final tower section on sunday and stop there, but i'd prefer to keep this one moving. As i've planned it, you've got one more full session to be done with the fortress, which leaves 2-3 sessions for the resolution. (I think).
Another option is to do the short session saturday night when Mason gets back, proceeding as in 1).
Also, just some remarks here about the final events of sunday's session: The final actions by Shan (did I get the spelling right? I always wonder even after checking) while not in control of himself were ugly. That was intentional on my part - i'm working towards a specific and hopefully satisfying resolution to Shan's background with the runesword. In order for that to happen though, there has to be friction to cause matters to accelerate and a need for a solution to be close to mind. That said, I know it may have been hard to take Glesh's reaction as entirely in character, but take my word for it, it's very much so. Furthermore, Glesh isn't abandoning the group - he and Hargrumr will be back, it just might take a while. :)
I'd've been more suprised if Glesh didn't take off after that scene. All I could offer is to keep Shan calmed with the Calm Emotions spell for whatever might come next, and I didn't expect that would be enough. I don't feel as though I had any choice in continuing myself and I'm frankly a tad worried that Glesh will be further upset when I insist that the cleric die...
So... I don't see a good solution here. I am not particularly fond of option 1 because it means that I get to make the trip an extra time and then be back here at 0800hrs on Friday for the poster session. Option 2 looks better, but its a Sunday and I still don't know for sure and won't until tomorrow at the earliest.
How about option 4, or option 1 with us coming out to Riverside? (option 4 being short session saturday night, then normal on sunday).
While I was the one who originally suggested Thursday, and I don't mind driving to Riverside, the two won't mix for me. I told OneMike that I can probably drive him to the salsa class on Thursday (Lorian passed to II on Sat, OneMike tonight, grats both) so I have to be in Pasadena.
That being said, option 4 sounds fine, and I can also drive to Riverside just fine then.
Also, I declare that this weekend sometime, the day we play if we play, I'm cooking teh dinnar. By then I should be orders of magnitude less stressed, and there's no better way to celebrate than with good eats.
To quote Shakira, "Wherever, whenever."
I also add the more daring, "Whatever." Top THAT, belly-dancing pop-singers.
Anyway, all options should work for me.
I actually thought of following Glesh out (He did save Icicle's life after all. Icicle's been very grateful for that), but since the little guy's new to the party I figured he didn't really have any impetus to get up and go when there were so many things to find in the Fortress. Life's gotten so much more interesting with these guys!
He'll be sad for a while though. He might also have followed Hargrumr out. Icicle thinks Hargrumr is really cool.
From the looks of it, 2 or 3 then. No point in dragging cookware, I'll make the trip.
Ok, push-and-shove I'll straight ticket vote for option 3 as I've a busy weekend and wouldn't mind the down time.
I have to share: One time when I was telling someone that Shakira was half Lebanese, I accidenly said "half lesbian." Some slips of the tongue are just too easy.
By the way, Josh, I don't think it's clear how much of that conversation Icicle heard. Technically, he was very preoccupied trying to pick a lock during that time (although we had been following the other scene on Sunday).
If we do option 3, we could always combine it with Apples to Apples or something if Doug decides only to stay for a short while.
I had wondered about that, Mason. I got a little confused about placement, if the confrontation happened right after the battle or if they moved away. If it was right after the battle, they probably weren't more than 10 or 15 feet from the door, and Icicle being an observant and curious lad (not to mention with a short attention span), probably would at least perk up his ears and absorb the drama rather than concentrating on his work.
My interpretation was that it was exactly where they were as the battle ended, and unless someone was investigating the machines in the northern alcove area, there is no way they could have missed it. That said, it also looked like a lot of people were in shock (or out of character sleepiness) and thus very few people commented or acted as if they'd seen/heard it. Which isn't a problem and is probably what i'd expect if i'd thought about it.
-Z (using L's login cause i'm lazy)
Now that we've got that settled... when are we meeting tomorrow, and for how long?
Damn, I totally forgot to actually set that. We'll try for 2pm, my place, no longer than 3hr game. Probably food before or after depending on whether people come early or not. I'll try to call people tomorrow afternoon and check that they're able to make it (pretty sure about Doug, Mike, Tim).
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