I just got a spam indicating that I should submit a paper to the Antarctica Journal of Mathematics, whose headquarters is apparently housed in India. Go figure.
I think that more than half the stuff in PRL probably should be published there instead. The penguins could probably use some lessons in how to earn a career in academia by bull-shitting.
2 days ago
ah... but how does one tell them apart.
-- jing
Antarctica is much, much colder (and the penguins in Antarctica have much different accents than the residents of India).
If you publish in the Antarctica Journal of Mathematics, you may be asked to present at the Antartica Association of Mathematics. I wonder what the hotel accomodations will be like!
Hmmm, clearly I should submit something to the European Journal of Physics...
you've a six month open slot every year to go there. civilian visits costs like 20 grants per person on an economy level. -jing
Ugh, I think I'll go to Europe instead. (Actually, I will be in England for a week in December for a pattern formation conference. That's a reasonable start, at least. I probably won't hook up with anybody like the Gazebo did, but people can't attack him, so they might as well hook up with him.)
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