Tuesday, November 15, 2005

'Roid Rage!

The Major League Players and owners hava a new, tougher steroid policy, which just needs official votes to become a done deal. (Basically, it was approved by informal polling and just needs a rubber stamp, which will presumably happen soon.) The current steroid era is our version of the 80s drug scandals that beset baseball.

By the way, I also want to stress that none of my research has benefited from the use of steroids.


Anonymous said...

My qubits could use some steroids. Their absorption peaks are really wimpy. Or maybe the correct metaphor is breast implants?

Mason said...

So would the tumors then be secondary resonances?

Anonymous said...

In our lab, tumors tend to be actual tumors (but that's the other project in our group). However, the spurious peaks that we have been seeing could also qualify...