Anybody up for some RPGing on Saturday or Sunday?
Friday is out for me this week, although my understanding is that Friday is generally unworkable anyway.
Joe: Is there a possibility of Fun With Dwarves?
5 days ago
My name is Mason Porter. I am a Professor in the Department of Mathematics at UCLA. Previously I was Professor of Nonlinear and Complex Systems in the Mathematical Institute at University of Oxford. I was also a Tutorial Fellow of Somerville College.
I may need to make a trip to RB this weekend to return some furniture, but that aside I should be available. I'm also keen to think about something other than NMR for a little, so I'll offer to prepare something if campaigning isn't viable. I'll check back as the week draws on.
I think I'm having old world thoughts, I was craving scotch and baked potatoes earlier. If I ever mention haggis in a positive way, please put me away.
I forgot that I have a commitment on Sunday from 4:30-6:30, so Saturday is definitely better.
For Sunday, I can play except for those two hours, so I can always be NPC'ed or whatever during that time if that's the only way for things to work. (I'm going to be at the bbq for the class of 06 to which alumni have been invited.)
Other than a trip to the comic book store on Saturday (Free Comic Book Day), I'm pretty much open. I'll be busy repotting either Thursday or Friday night, but that already won't work, so all is well.
My weekend is already full, possibly even overbooked. Feel free to NPC me if you guys get together for one of the campaigns, though.
With travel, etc., my weekends don't look good until June 25th or July 1st...
I'm still too pooped to really think, but I'm sorta free this weekend. Still got the dance classes I like to go to, blah blah.
Where was I? Oh yeah... *faceplant*
Oh, and Mylanda--if you need some extra gruntage, just give me a holler.
Let's go ahead and schedule Fun w/Dwarves for this weekend on sunday. I should be able to put it together by then, though it'd help if people gave me a recap of where they thought things were going, what they'd already accomplished, and what they need to do next. (email).
I'd like to play in something too, so perhaps saturday would work for that if Doug or someone else has a one-shot idea they want to fly.
For Fun With Dwarves, I missed the last session and I actually need a recap of that. (I decided to wait until a game in that world was imminent before I asked for one, so now I need to be told what happened. Joe told me about the rapier situation -- or at least as much of it as Klutu knows.)
The one thing I know Klutu did (during the session I was NPC'ed once we were camped out; I can RP this too, but the crux is that this was requested before we started on any actions, etc.) was to ask Triso for help with an identify of the two rapiers, as that is something that is clearly necessary at this point.
Do we have a verdict on a day or days (+ times)?
Justin is going to be passing his character sheet to me tomorrow so that we have the info for when we game.
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