Monday, August 04, 2008

Ooh, they're including Squeeze...

The fact that "Cool for Cats" is included among these songs is really, really tempting. (OK, sorry for that pun.) I definitely want to play that song (and a few of the others on the list, though I don't care about most of them). There's apparently going to be a Wii version, though I'm a bit afraid of the shipping costs that would be involved (and the potential customs headaches because I suspect that this stuff would get noticed, unlike just shipping a game with conventional controllers). But anyway, I'm really looking forward to rocking out to "Cool for Cats" (and "Eye of the Tiger", "Alex Chilton", and a couple of other songs). I wonder if people singing "Cool for Cats" will try to duplicate the Cockney accent that the artists specifically used for it... (I won't exactly be demanding it, because I certainly won't be singing.)

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