Fuck yeah!
Not that I'm a great fan of the Democrats, but this is the best political news in over a decade! Maybe now this country can start improving again for a change...
(Also, I solved one of my problems and have an idea that may provide a reasonable solution to a second one. I have found out that there is funding to extend my Caltech job through the end of September, so I no longer have to figure out what to do this summer. The fact that I have no travel money left isn't completely solvable. However, I already planned to attend one conference out of pocket, and I am seeing whether I can use my Oxford travel funds for the secone one---I would just have to wait a few more months before I'm reimbursed.)
6 days ago
I suspect political climate behaves more like real estate, but in the other direction -- either it gets worse, or it gets a lot worse. After several years of the latter, I could use a bit of the former.
I'm a bit perplexed by why everyone is blindly calling the Senate for the Democrats. It's 49-49-1-1 (D-R-Socialist-Connecticut for Lieberman). Sanders will caucus with the Democrats, no question. I see no reason to think Lieberman will (he's said so, but he's said he'd do a lot of things he didn't actually do), and a 50-50 split goes R thanks to Deputy Leader Dick's tiebreaker.
Put another way, I'll only believe the Democrats control the Senate after Lieberman has cast his vote for Reid for Majority Leader.
Lemming: your analogy may work quite well, then. My understanding is that real estate is actually getting worse now (not just "less better")... :-)
Real estate in certain areas of the country is still supposedly really good (not that these are places I'd want to live). To be more concrete (because it worked so well last time), my friends in real estate harp on Vegas as a place to invest. And while it is a place I'm up for visiting, there is no way I would want to live there.
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