An article recently came out in Nature about policing in monkeys. It's been receiving press in the media, although I didn't catch anything until today. Here is the abstract for the article:
All organisms interact with their environment, and in doing so shape it, modifying resource availability. Termed niche construction, this process has been studied primarily at the ecological level with an emphasis on the consequences of construction across generations1. We focus on the behavioural process of construction within a single generation, identifying the role a robustness mechanism2—conflict management—has in promoting interactions that build social resource networks or social niches. Using 'knockout' experiments on a large, captive group of pigtailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), we show that a policing function, performed infrequently by a small subset of individuals3, significantly contributes to maintaining stable resource networks in the face of chronic perturbations that arise through conflict. When policing is absent, social niches destabilize, with group members building smaller, less diverse, and less integrated grooming, play, proximity and contact-sitting networks. Instability is quantified in terms of reduced mean degree, increased clustering, reduced reach, and increased assortativity. Policing not only controls conflict3, 4, 5, we find it significantly influences the structure of networks that constitute essential social resources in gregarious primate societies. The structure of such networks plays a critical role in infant survivorship6, emergence and spread of cooperative behaviour7, social learning and cultural traditions8.
Given that the second author of this paper is a friend of mine from grad school, let me also list the paper's authors: Jessica C. Flack, Michelle Girvan, Frans B. M. de Waal and David C. Krakauer. The first, second, and third authors are at Santa Fe Institute, which I am supposed to be visiting at some point. My friend is apparently working very close with observationalists now (her thesis was in network theory and one of the papers that came out of it has become quite seminal).
2 days ago
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