In 2003, Woody Allen wrote a hilarious article in The New Yorker called "Strung Out", which was later reprinted with permission in APS News in their 'Lighter Side of Physics' column. This caused quite a fuss because of the article's sexual content and APS News even ended up apologizing for printing it. Personally, they should have stood behind it. The article is damn funny, and some people just need to get a grip. Seriously, how can one dis any article that includes the following sentence: "All I knew was that I wanted to wrap my weak-gauge bosons around her gluons, slip through a wormhole, and do some quantum tunnelling."
3 days ago
People actually complained about this? I would have thought physicists would be a more laid-back crowd. I guess most of us are but there're always a few Ned Flanderses.
Now hold-iddly-on just a minuroo!
(sorry, couldn't resist. /me shuffles quietly away)
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