Sunday, February 05, 2006

D & D scheduling for weekend of 2/10

I am out of town until about 12:30 on Saturday, so I am available all day on Sunday and starting in the late afternoon on Saturday.

That said, I have a strong preference for Sunday if it's possible because I'm going to be very tired on Saturday. I would, however, like to go out to dinner on Saturday (Black Angus?) to help me unwind from my interview.

Let me know what your availabilities are next weekend.

My birthday celebration will be on Wednesday 2/15. I'll send a separate e-mail about this. I still need to figure out precise timing.


Anonymous said...

Theoretically I'll be free, but I am trying to host a Northwestern get-together with friends of mine on Sunday night, so I'm going to say I'll only be free Friday or Saturday.

Lemming said...

There are Salsa classes both Sat & Sun afternoon that I have interest in attending, though I don't have to be at either, per se. The one on Sat ends at 4:30 and the one on Sun ends at 3:30.

As far as food goes, what if I offered to cook steak/other stuff? We've actually been making strides in getting our place to be livable (now that I'm going to be in it for another 1/2 year at most, bleh) so I figure I'd like to use it more.

I consider myself a decent cook, though I'm horribly out of practice.

Dinner Saturday night, and gaming on Sunday?

Lemming said...

Dur, I can't read, uh dur dur.

Gaming Saturday?

Mason said...

Well, we could potentially do gaming Saturday and dinner Sunday.

Lanth said...

Either will work for me, although I'd probably eat the unspecified "other stuff" unless the steak is remarkably unsteaklike.

And as a heads-up about 2/15, I won't be available until after 6pm.

Anonymous said...

I'm free all weekend.

Zifnab said...

I'd prefer saturday, will definately be busy friday night. I don't think i'll be ready to GM again this weekend, but hopefully Doug or Tim will pick up my slack.

Lemming said...

Tim? Oh, yeah, that's me! I'm running a campaign!

Would you believe I completely forgot? I'm dead serious. I might be able to put together enough for a shortish session on Saturday, but I'll have to think about it for a day or so before I commit. Unfortunately, you see, there's a hole in my plans that I've yet to fill, and ya'll are right next to it.

In other news, yeah it won't be just steak. Also the steak won't be entirely steak like, depending on what route I take in particular. But how about food and at least some casual, perhaps some more serious gaming at my place, Saturday as of around 5pm? Possibly earlier if Mike^2 will be around, but that's when I'll likely be back.

Anonymous said...

I'm free this weekend in so much as I can spend one day out. The suggested filibusters for one of the Silhouette games or Exalted still stand if people are interested. (For Exalted there's a hitch or two... 1st, I'd really like to know what those who played in the last session thought about how the game went. (Other than my being bad about stunt dice, we all know that). 2nd, we need to get Exalts made for Mason and Justin and some idea of what politics got them in). Please let me know though, I'll take what time you can give me to prepare.

Mason said...

I am happy with any of the recent one-shot suggestions.

In terms of characters, I am not going to have time to deal with anything like that before Saturday. (For that matter, I don't have the source materials even if I did have time.) I'll play whatever hand I'm dealt.

Saturday at 5pm at Tim's place sounds good. (Maybe you can pick me up on the way back from your dancing?)

Or at the very least, I need your current address, because I still have 121 S Chester listed in my address book.

Anonymous said...

I'll opt out of one-shots again, but if there's continuation of Lesser of Two Evils I'll show up for that. I'd need the address too, however.

Mason said...

Hey guys, if Josh isn't going to come anyway, would it be possible to move this to Sunday so that I can do this with more sleep (and thus enjoy it more)? I know Joe stated a preference for Saturday, so I think this question is mostly directed at Joe (unless somebody else created Sunday plans with the previous Saturday engagement).

Zifnab said...

I'll be busy sunday 6-10pm (planned that due to previous conversation in the thread making the viable gaming day saturday). I'll be available earlier times sunday, but will have to leave around 5:15-5:30pm or so. Sorry for the complication. I can sit out if things are planned for sunday, but i'm really looking forward to playing Exalted (should that be the choice).

Anonymous said...

The game will be Exalted and it will be at 5PM on Saturday. Essentially the exalts will attempt to storm Frigid Rose's citadel to deal with the Night Caste she's captured. I have the NPCs from the last time we had visitors to the game and they will be made available to new players that would like to play in this one. (If you'd prefer to make your own, please coordinate with Zifnab and talk with Lanthala, Mike^2 and/or Lemming about how the character fits in the game).

Technically, this is not a one-shot. It is a seldom played campaign that was setup so that anyone could tell some of the stories. Want to get a feeling for the game? Play some Dynasty Warriors.

The citadel is some 8 levels iirc. It will take some time to fight your way to the end, so we may not finish in one go.

Mason said...

I will do the best I can on Saturday. I'll get some extra coffee or something to help stave off the demon Sleep. :)

Lemming said...

Go Mylanda, way to get the ball rolling. My brain has been off in la-la land, no way I'm going to get something together for this weekend... except for dinner!

The address, for the record:
69 South Greenwood Ave
Pasadena, CA 91107

Mason, I can give you a ride no prob, if you don't mind a little uncertainty on the time (+/- 15 minutes, I'd say). Justin, I'd be happy to pick you up as well, if you'd like.

Any requests for dinner stuff? So far I'm planning broiled cube steak for one dish, and steamed broccoli w/ garlic and mozeralla for another. Maybe some rice for uncreativeness. So far everything I'm planning is also nicely low-effort. Yay.

Anonymous said...

I'd like berry smoothies for dessert.

Lemming said...

Consider it done!

Mason said...

Mmmmm.... smoothies.

I think this has just passed "Angry Hornets" as the entry with the most comments, although I don't think it's fair to count the scheduling entries on equal footing with the others.

Lemming said...

Especially not if people artificially inflate them by making posts whose sole purpose is to notch up the post count. (You know, like this)

Lemming said...

Anyone is also welcome to bring anything they like, though I will try to have enough quantity for everyone.

If anyone needs my cell number, look at the bottom of any email I've ever sent (well, in the last 3 or 4 years anyway).

Z&L--I can also pick up ya'll if you like. You weren't immediately in my mental group of people that occasionally need rides to gaming. ^^;